All bags from Cocotte Équipement are hand made in Montréal since 1993. As per their web site, the Alfredo is the result of many brainstorms with professional bike messengers that happened over 10 years ago.
Branding improvement:
I personally have been using the bag for a couple months. Every person I have talked to about the bag always asks to the same question: "What does the logo represent?". I guess non-french speakers don't understand the "Cocotte" clue. I asked a group of 4 years old, they decided that it was a yellow pineapple. My answer from now on would be that it is a badly drawn pine cone in the middle of a very too yellow circle.
Please comment this, I wouldn't know how to improve the Cocotte logo without changing the fundamentals of the brand.
Cocotte branding should be all about its Montréal origin. Montréal is well known for its winter, culture and rough traffic. If you are a bike messenger in Montréal it is because you love all of that, so you know how to handle a bike. So, you would also know what are the best gears.
Cocotte web site should be showing messengers in some typical Montréal scenery. Nothing would sell the quality of the bags more than a Montreal winter wonderland picture with messengers going through traffic.
Here are some Vieux Montréal examples.
Or... Maybe some trashy views of the Plateau Mont-Royal would be more appropriated.
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